Friday, June 11, 2010

New (and first!) Post

as you may tell (as to the title...), this is my first Post on this blog. I did once have a blog before 'girls think pink' but that was when I was more into whether I got the pink lollipop then to what my future will hold. " today i went to piccilinos. it was fun "
You may be thinking, gosh she's only in year 8 and shes considering her future. Are you?
I just kind of worked out that if you want to do well when you are older and have a good quality of life then it all comes down to how you progress as a child - how you are brought up, your education.
Every, rougly, two months I have a new ambition for my future. About half a year ago, I was dead set for doing photography - as I'm quite creative and love to work with the effects of angleing and technique. But, about 4 months ago, I quite liked the idea of Psycoligie (spelt that wrong!) - as I am into the way people think and do things and why they do it. It's all quite interesting!

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