Tuesday, June 29, 2010


On Friday, once again everyone was bored in our RE lesson. We were learning something about the Holy Spirit... i think. See, our RE teacher gets a bit carried away and sometimes in the middle of her conversations bursts out into lots of frantic arm waving and faces. She tries to get us pupils engaged, her tactic seems to be staring at the person right in the eye.. it's quite scary. Anyway, suddenly the firebell rang loudly. It was quite strange because we just had a fill drill on that wednesday... We waited a few moments for the teacher to dismiss us and lead us to the fire exit, but she didn't stop talking, it was like she couldn't even hear the bell.

' That's the firebell, miss.' I recall someone shouting over the bell.

' I know girls, sit down.' She replied, too shouting and she carried on talking about christians...

We then started to make a fuss and tried to run for the door. But, before we could reach the door she slammed it shut.

'SIT DOWN!' she shouted. She went into her cupboard and bought out two long metal poles. What is she doing? we were all thinking... She bared the door with them.

A few people started to get scared and begged her to open the door and let us out.

' I don't want to die in an RE lesson!' someone screamed.

Thankfully the other male RE heard and came bargeing through the door like superman... :)

'come on, girls!' he said in a cute lil irish voice, as my class and I rushed out the fire exit.

Hahahahahahahaaaa..... did you believe that?? If so please comment!

The blue bit is true, the green bit is not....

But still! She should have let us out of the room the moment we heard the bell. On top of that, we were not sure that it was a drill because the bell had gone off 2 days before.... tutut!

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